Archive for December, 2011

Living The Dream in 2012- 10 Tips To Help You Create Your Life

December 29th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

“Let us be ashamed of our superficial life, it is full of lies. There are only two possibilities: the one is that we are not able to see the truth, the other that, when we have once seen it glimmering before us, the path that is leading to it, we are devoured by the eternal thirst to follow it to the end. He who is filled with this love for truth goes out into life like a hero without weapons, but under the spread out wings of an archangel.” -Antoine Bourdelle

I came to the simple conclusion this past year that everything that I have experienced in my life has come as a result of a simple thought or perception. However, if I truly believed this, why was I getting up every morning to participate in a corporate job that I had no interest in? How could I teach the principles I was beginning to believe without first embodying them? 2011 marked the first time in my 26 years that I made a conscious choice to seek the adventure, taking a complete leap of faith to embody the concepts that I had come to believe. I describe the events in my life that led to this understanding in The Discovery of My Own Hero: Connecting The Dots, a process of “connecting the dots” that Steve Jobs refers to in his Stanford commencement speech. Mission Kilimanjaro started as a simple vision much like anything else that has occurred in my life and through a willingness to confront fear and adversity along the way, it will become a reality in a few short days.

As we approach 2012, I hope you will take some time to reflect upon your life and follow your passions. How would you want your life story to read if you could write it? What would you do if you were unafraid to fail? Here are 10 tips that can help in bringing any vision to reality..

1. Develop a vision– The creation of vision is something we all practice on a daily basis, however, it is a process that we are often unconscious of as we rationalize or blame outside events for our current situation. It is time for you to wake up and recognize your potential! What do you want to be? What do you want to create in your life? The purpose of developing a vision is to seek your highest truth, to become the highest version of yourself based upon your current level of consciousness. There are no right or wrong answers, so feel free to expand your perspective through experience. It is not seeking to become that will free you, it is understanding who you truly are that will allow you to break away from perceived limitations . Be Your Own Hero!

2. Write down everything you can about the vision (be as descriptive as possible)– When you develop a vision it is important to be as descriptive as possible. Think  of every little detail and envision how you want it to be. I constantly carry a composition notebook around with me to be able to capture a vision the instant it comes to me. I used the same process of visualization playing football and at times, it was simply unbelievable to see events I envisioned the night before play out on game day (It was if there was no difference between dreaming and reality).

3. Be confident in your ability as a creator (don’t let the external environment effect your internal vision)– You must be fully confident in your power of creation. If not, you will simply allow small adversities in the external world to rob you of your power. People fail in this process because they second guess themselves (rationalization), develop a sense of fear, or they let other unconscious individuals strip away their power. If you could create anything you wanted, would you have the courage to attempt to bring your highest vision to reality? Do you fear glimpsing your highest potential? The only way to find truth in your life is through developing your perspective through personal experience. What do you have to lose? Next time you find yourself rationalizing, take a look up at the infinity of the night sky and reshape your perspective.

4. Focus on one thing at a time and be PRESENT with everything you are doing– The power of creation is a tremendous gift but it can also cause you to go crazy if you are unable to control it (A primary reason why many people fear it). You must always be in the present moment and focused on one thing at a time. It is easy for your mind to get caught up in the past or the future, causing you to “leak” precious energy. By being present with everything that you do, a new quality of excellence comes to your work and relationships. If all you have is NOW, why would you not enjoy the experience and make the most of it? Through this mindset, you will be amazed how small, uneventful tasks can create a sense of bliss within. This experience of bliss will allow you to begin to understand your special gift.

5. Meditate to regulate your internal environment- Meditation is the most important exercise to fully comprehend when trying to bring visions to reality; without it, your mind will consume you. The moment that you begin to feel an elevated emotion (fear, anger, arrogance, sadness, etc) you must instantly meditate (Read The Art of Meditation). If you do not learn to meditate in these emotional states, the elevated emotions will rob you of your power and cause you to spin like a top. (*In severe cases this can be described as “Mania” similar to what Charlie Sheen is currently experiencing. I think it is interesting that there is a level of genius in Sheen’s play on words, however, he has lost control of his internal environment which will force him to collapse upon himself. He will most likely have to be hospitalized in the coming weeks to stabilize his internal state. It is sad to see what he is going through but in this adversity lies an opportunity for him to see something greater).

Millions of people in our world are constantly caught up with emotions of the mind and through their inability to control them, they paralyze themselves. Emotions aren’t a bad thing, however, you must be able to take control of your internal environment to witness your true power. When an emotion comes to you, embrace it completely and learn to let it go. You will lose all of your creativity the minute that you identify with a negative state or fail to let go of mounting stress. This inability to control your internal state will also contribute to sickness and other physical discomforts if you remain unconscious.

6. Be consistent and learn to ”flow” when creating– The concept of “flow” can be described as the feeling of joy or bliss while working on a vision that you are truly passionate about (I am experiencing this right now). During “flow”, time seems to effortlessly melt away and a new level of creativity consumes your work. You most likely have experienced this phenomenon in your life, but were unaware of it when it occurred. Is there anything that you do that allows you to lose track of time? What is it? If you experience the phenomenon of “flow” it is important to be consistent with the task you are working on to develop your abilities in this realm. Do not rationalize to yourself that you are wasting time on things that others would deem unimportant. If you can experience flow, trust in your abilities and watch what you can create!

7. Do not identify yourself with your vision (you must not be attached to the outcomes)-The moment that you identify with a vision or become attached to the outcome you lose your power of creation. I know this seems contradictory but it is the honest truth. Many people play “roles” throughout their entire lives, meaning that they identify who they are through their career title, relationship, amount of money in their bank account, and other external focuses. The problem with doing this is that when the external is taken away, you no longer know who you are. I had this problem with Football and when I started my first job, I had to learn through suffering that I was much more powerful than any one role. Many people will go throughout their entire lives and will never understand this illusion. These individuals will seek to become without understanding who they truly are. They will never accept their tremendous power and in doing so, blame their suffering on an unfair world.

8. Do not fear when you realize your tremendous power of creation (you will try to rationalize it at first)– When you first begin to grasp your potential you won’t believe it. You will simply think you are crazy for thinking that you can create your realities. Believe in yourself and do not be afraid. If we are all able to tap into our potential, there is no limit to what we can create. Are you willing to join me in embodying the term, “living the dream?”.

9. Empower others to develop their own powers– With great power comes great responsibility. Help others realize their true potential and create tremendous change in your community. It is our responsibility as members of the younger generations to reshape our failing Nation. We must alleviate the dependency on government and break out of the illusions forced upon us by mass media. You must learn to trust your inner guidance and LEAD.

10. Show love towards everyone/everything that you experience and be grateful for the power that you possess in this life- To feel love you must be love. Be thankful for everything and everyone that you experience and take responsibility for all aspects of your life. You have the ability to be whatever you want to be if you trust in the power within. What are you waiting for?

I hope you will follow Mission Kilimanjaro beginning January 4th as we begin our climb to the roof of Africa. The mountain is merely a metaphor and I hope you will take the powerful principles behind the platform and apply them to your personal life. What would you do if we were unafraid to fail? Be Your Own Hero!

The Fight For Life- Overcoming Fear

December 14th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson

Our Greatest Battle

I decided to take accountability for my life situation and transition out of a corporate role that I had grown disenchanted with. The decision to move on from a stable, status quo corporate job in a “difficult economy” would raise the eyebrows of many. “What are you thinking Dan? Why dont you just accept your situation and work harder?” It has taken me a long time to realize my own potential in a world that is controlled by fear, resistance, and an unwillingness to embrace change. I have come to understand that the greatest battle we endure throughout our lives is confronting our own internal fear to pursue our passions . Stand up, put your mouthpiece in, and get ready to go to war… it is time to start living.

10 Ways To Overcome Fear

1. Stay Present In Difficult And Unknown Situations– We will all encounter many situations throughout our lives that we perceive as difficult to overcome. Stay present in the moment and free yourself from past perceptions and future worries. Feel the fear within and let it dissipate. It will pass once you are brave enough to accept your situation and confront it. Everything that you are proud of accomplishing was at one time something you were afraid to face. If you understand the illusion of fear you will unlock your greatest potential.

2. Disregard Outside Resistance– I think it is fair to say that 95% of our society is afraid to rebel against the status quo and question social conditioning. These individuals will continue to pursue stability and question those who seek passions outside of societal norms. Be respectful of everyone you come in contact with, however, be willing to formulate your own perspectives with the information that is presented to you. The vast majority of our society is unconscious and unwilling to confront their fears. They live in a cage that they have created for themselves and are unwilling to take the steps necessary to encourage growth. Take accountability for your life and use the outside resistance as an opportunity to stay present and free of ego. Dont let the outside resistance turn into internal resistance. Believe in your visions and stay strong

3. Push Yourself A Little Further Each Day– Try pushing yourself to do something daily that you have been afraid of pursuing in the past. You dont have to quit your job or do anything drastic right off the bat, however, take baby steps and slowly build confidence with every little success that you experience. We have the opportunity to grow daily and learn new things that will teach us more about who we are. Let go of the roles that you have identified with and become a child again, willing to explore your curiousities. Three months ago I knew nothing of social media and was fearful of all the work it would take to start my own blog. I no longer have that fear

4. Start Or Connect With A Support Group Who Share The Same Passions– It is nice to be part of a support group composed of positive and inspiring people willing to counterbalance the negativity you will periodically encounter pursuing your vision. Join an existing support group or start your own group through social media. You have the ability to bring together individuals that share a similar passion to help each other through difficult times. You must take accountability for your own life situation and having a strong support structure will only help you in overcoming fears as well as outside resistance. You may even come up with a few new ideas through interacting with others!

5. Grasp the Cyclical Nature of Success and Failure– Success and failure are perceptions, often interchangeable throughout our lives. Everything that you succeed at will most likely one day turn to perceived failure and every failure that you experience has the opportunity to turn into perceived success. Redefine failure in your life as the greatest of all teachers and be willing to embrace shortcomings as a chance to experience growth. The only true failure in life is letting fear consume who we are, preventing us from giving our gifts to the world. You are far greater than any external accomplishment, be willing to lead a life that provides light to others.

6. Follow Your True Passions In Pursuit of Excellence– You will never be able to pursue excellence if you are trying to live the dreams of others. What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy doing where time seems to escape you? I truly enjoy being around people that seem to glow from doing what inspires them. Be one of those people! Dont let rationality and resistance deter you from your dreams. We live in a time of tremendous opportunity through social media and you have the ability to reach millions of people for little cost by sharing your passion (gift) with others. It is truly amazing how the world provides opportunities for us when we decide to move forward with our vision. Fortune favors the bold.

7. Celebrate Your Small Successes– It is important to celebrate every small success that you encounter on a path of many perceived obstacles. Dont become identified with success or failure and remain free of ego during your life experience. Be willing ot share your success with others by giving back and inspiring future generations. It is our duty as human beings to share the light within to those living in complete darkness. Unleash your internal light and observe how others become attracted to it. This “light” will help you overcome fear as well as provide strength to others in conquering their limitations.

8. Think Of Things From The End- If you become consumed by fear and anxiety take a step back and think of things from the end. Is this problem as big as I am making it out to be? Will this problematic situation matter in a few weeks, months, years, or at the end of my life? Understand that we come into this world with nothing and we leave this world we nothing. The greatest asset that we have is the consciousness that emerges through separation from incessant mind patterns and emotions. Many people never realize this power until they are confronted with their last few breaths on their death bed. We all possess the same power within and it is our responsibility to overcome the self created limitations to truly experience ”success” in our lives on this planet. Live with the end in mind.

9. Study The Chakra Teachings Of Grounding Energy, Running Energy, And Cutting Chords– Many people will laugh when being presented with Chakra Energy Teachings ( I was one of them at first). However, these teachings have helped me tremendously with overcoming my own fear and uncertainty in situations that I have perceived as “difficult”. The body is composed of seven chakras, each chakra in charge of regulating a different aspect of the human experience (Google Chakra Energy Teaching to get in depth description). I will do a separate post on these teachings to bring a more comprehensive understanding of when to practice each method and how to experience success with it. If your impatient you can goole these terms and do your own research.

10. Believe In Your Power And Ability To Bring Visions To Reality- You must believe in your power to create your external realities. We will experience things that seem unexplainable or random but keep to the belief that everything in your life is happening for a reason. A set back that you are confronted with may just be an additional opportunity to increase your consciousness. Failure and suffering can sometimes be our door way into awakening to the power within. Don’t resist anything in your life and free yourself from the fear that is preventing the authentic “you” to emerge. Be Your Own Hero

The Age of Revolution- 10 Lessons For Aspiring Leaders

December 12th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

-John Quincy Adams

Leadership is the most important of human aspirations and a quality that is in high demand within the current state of our Nation. How does one define a leader? How are these leaders made? Over the course of the past few months, I have had a special opportunity to interact with some of our Nation’s strongest leaders who pursue passions in a variety of different industries (Athletics, Armed Forces, Politics, Fitness, Film, Television, and Art). These experiences have essentially served as a crash course in how to lead effectively, allowing me the chance to directly observe underlying traits that are shared by some of the most influential individuals. Every “leader” that I have met utilizes a gift that we all possess and through listening to their experiences and living out my own, I have come up with 10 lessons that I hope will help you discover your own potential. For a more complete overview on the fundamentals of leadership please be sure to read my article, The Power of Effective Leadership-26 Life LessonsBe Your Own Hero!

10 Lessons For Aspiring Leaders

1. Follow Your Internal Compass and Empower Others to Do The Same– Deep down everyone knows the direction they should go in, however, fear and uncertainty can often paralyze the strongest ambition. You must learn to listen and trust your internal compass if you are to ever discover your own potential. By living a life that is authentic to whom you are or wish to be, you will indirectly empower everyone you come in contact with to discover their own strength. We must be accountable and lead from within if our Nation is to progress in the 21st century.

2. If You Don’t Know Your Purpose, Discover it Through Personal Experience– Every great leader must have a purpose and the only way to discover this purpose is through experience. Your life will be a constant cycle of gain and loss and success and failure, each event acting as an opportunity to expand your strength and awareness. Through confronting your greatest fears and greatest adversities, you will begin to discover your potential in becoming whoever it is you wish to be. There are no limits to what you can create or who you can become, so feel free to dream BIG.

3. Evolve from the Conditioned Fight or Flight Response– The human race has evolved over thousands of years due to a conditioned response that has guaranteed its survival. The response, known as “fight or flight”, plays out like this. If an unknown stimulus is present, a human being has one of two instinctive reactions, fear it (run away) or kill it. This evolutionary response was great for dealing with a tiger in the wild, however, as our world has evolved, our evolutionary responses have not. Most people in our culture display the same conditioned response when confronted with a new perception, idea, or dream as they would gaze down at the jaws of a tiger. They either FEAR the new perception, idea, or dream or they try to KILL IT. We must be willing to evolve as human beings and as leaders if we are to discover our own strength in the 21st century. Go out into your communities and be unafraid to interact with new people and experience new things. LIVE.

4. View Fear as a Positive Indicator that you are Moving in the Right Direction– I received this advice during an interview with one of the greatest leaders of my generation (Eric Greitens). He told me that it is through the feeling of fear that we know we are headed in the right direction. It sounds counter-intuitive right? Doesn’t fear protect us from danger? The truth behind Eric’s statement is that a vast majority of our society hides behind their fear and is afraid of anything outside the status quo. These individuals do not truly live because they never will possess the ambition, drive, or courage to free themselves from their self created limitations. Take the time right now to think about something you were deathly afraid of as a child. What happened when you confronted that fear? Now think of something you feared this past month. Have you been able to confront it? What was the outcome? Many times our fears are just layers of our insecurity that we must purge to strengthen our human potential.

5. Never Let External Circumstances Take Away From Who You Are or Wish to Be– A leader can never let others rob them of their visions or dreams. Some people you interact with will resent you because you force them to confront their own limitations, however, you will also in that very moment present them with a gift to realize their own potential. Never be afraid to live a life that is authentic to whom you are or wish to be. You are the creator and resisting your own power will only weaken you and those around you.

6. Live Outside Your Parent’s Perspectives– You are not your parents and you must be willing to confront your loved ones if they challenge your vision or dream. This is the hardest thing for an aspiring leader to do; however, it must be done if you wish to discover your own potential. We are all shaped by our experiences and perceptions so it is meaningless to try to live out the dreams of another. If you find your passion and are not afraid to pursue it, your parents will one day appreciate the leader that you have become. If not, you will find satisfaction in the new relationships you have attracted into your life.

7. Let Love Fuel Everything That You Do– To experience Love you must be Love. Let love be the primary force behind everything that you do and you will find out what it feels like to truly live.  Once you experience true love, it can never leave you despite changes in external circumstances. If you mix love into everything that you do, you will find that you have a new energy and creativity which will allow you to bring your highest visions to reality. Pursue your passions and you will be rewarded.

8. Learn from the System to Free Yourself From It- Our society is composed of many “Systems” which have been utilized throughout human civilization to control the work force. “Systems” are generally operated on principles of dependency, strict rules, no employee autonomy, and led by a minority that profit off of the majority. These Systems will one day by reshaped by a new movement of leadership, however, until you experience their current state, you will not be able to build an awareness that will free yourself from them. Workers that are employed in different systems often have their creativity and leadership sapped through years of unconscious service that is controlled by the illusion of loss. To be an effective leader in this World, you must learn to think for yourself and be accountable as your own producer. The American Dream lies in your ability to trust yourself and empower those around you. Stop waiting and start working towards living your dreams, whatever they may be.

9. Always Live with an Open Heart, Even if it Hurts– To show love and receive love, you must ALWAYS be willing to remain completely open and vulnerable despite any external circumstance. Many people that experience loss or hurt will immediately close themselves off and by doing so they will continue to suffer until they confront their insecurity. I can certainty attest that when you lose someone you love, it is often very difficult to overcome the pain, however, by doing so you will become aware of your greatest power. Loss is an illusion and through this understanding you will gain the World.

10. Surround Yourself With the Strongest Leaders & Mentors- As your leadership strengthens you will find yourself surrounded by people that share similar qualities. Reach out to the ”heroes” that you admire and listen to their advice. With the ability to reach out to anyone in the World, there is no limit to who you can include in your inner circle. Offer to help others in any capacity that you can and take part in creating an interdependent community of creators.

For another wonderful resource on leadership, please check out Lead Without Followers by Dave Ursillo (Class of ’08). It will be available in the Holy Cross Book Store under the “Published Alums” section. Be Your Own Hero!

The “Be Your Own Hero” Spotlight- A Call To Action

December 6th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

While at Holy Cross I always sought after heroes, men and women who were seeking the adventure and creating their own lives in the “real world”. I was drawn to majoring in History  because I wanted to learn the secret behind great human achievement and emulate it in my life.Upon graduating, I had difficult connecting with these type of people until I made a conscious effort to seek them out. I wanted to share with you the stories of people who are just like you and I that have made the conscious choice to answer the call and seek the adventure in their personal lives. Each one of these individuals has had a tremendous impact on my life and I am thankful to have met them.

“The Be Your Own Hero Spotlight Series on is a new, monthly feature that showcases the stories of real-life “Heroes” — men and women who, while brandishing a defiantly positive and determined mindset, are pursuing their dreams in spite of potential adversity, criticism, cynicism, or being misunderstood by those around them. The individuals showcased in this series have different beliefs, goals, and mantras for how to live life, however, they provide valuable lessons in unlocking your inner potential. I am very blessed to have had these “heroes” come into my life and I hope their stories can help in your own personal journey.

he·ro 1. a man or woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his/her brave deeds and noble qualities. 2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.”

Sean Swarner– Survived being diagnosed with fatal cancer twice and reached the summit of Everest with one lung.

Erik Weihenmayer– Blind mountaineer who reached the summit of Mt. Everest and finished as a finalist on the ABC reality show, Expedition Impossible

Thad Roberts– Main character of the book “Sex on The Moon”. Long story short, stole $32 million worth of Moon Rocks from NASA to impress a girl and expanded upon Einstein’s Quantum Space/Time theory while serving 7 years in federal prison. Rather than blaming the World, he made a conscious choice to lead in his life. His life will be documented in a movie in the coming years.

Steve Gleason– An 8 Year NFL Veteran who was part of one of the most dramatic plays in New Orleans Saints’ history when he blocked a punt that led to the first touchdown following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. In 2011, Steve was forced to confront the reality of being diagnosed with ALS. Unwilling to surrender at the young age of 34, Steve founded The Gleason Initiative and works on a daily basis to bring awareness and find a cure.

Heather Kampf– 9 Time All American at University of Minnesota who fell in the 600m finals of the Big 10 Championships and got back up and WON. Currently competing for a spot in the 2012 London Olympics.

Kyle Maynard– Quadruple Amputee who refused to give into limitations or make excuses. Fought an MMA fight against and a fully abled bodied opponent and will be joining me in Tanzania for Mission Kilimanjaro

Ayla Brown– Boston College basketball star who became a finalist on American Idol. Currently serving as a correspondent for The Today Show and building upon her music career in Nashville.

Eric Greitens– The real life “Captain America”. Golden Gloves Boxing Champion, Rhodes Scholar, Navy Seal, War Hero, While House Fellow, & Founder of The Mission Continues

Jordan LeJuwaan– Outside the box thinker who created, a website that has created a platform for young people to formulate their own opinions and lead.

Dave Ursillo– Former HC graduate who recently published his first book, Lead Without Followers, which will be available in the HC Book Store (Published Alums Section)! He is actively cultivating a strong leadership movement on!

Warren MacDonald– Environmentalist and climber who lost his legs when I boulder fell on top of him in Australia (Featured on Discovery Channel’s “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”. Since losing his legs, he has reached the summit of Kilimanjaro without assistance and climbed El-Capitan, doing 2800 pull-ups over a 3 day period to reach the top.

Eric James– Young Entrepreneur who can bring any dream to reality. Founder of several start ups, a pilot, and World traveler. If you don’t know the name, write it down. I mean that!

Jordan Romero Youngest Person to Summit Everest at age 13

Nolan Harrison– 10 year NFL Veteran and Director of Former Player Affairs at the NFL Player’s Association.

Rob Summers– NCAA National Champion in Baseball at Oregon State before being hit by a car while standing in his drive way. Paralyzed from the waist down, Rob vowed to walk again and partnered with the Christopher Reeves Foundation. He has TAKEN HIS FIRST STEPS this past year through an electronic stimulator implanted in his back.

Jim Bathurst Nationally recognized trainer and Founder of An outside the box thinker who has a new approach to fitness!

Tom Dwyer– Native from Worcester, MA whose love of acting has landed him roles in 21, The Fighter, The Great Debaters,  and The Social Network.

Duke Dlouhy– All American NCAA athlete who made the transition into acting and modeling in Los Angeles. Created a dream of appearing in GQ and brought it to reality

Pack LandfairNational Champion at University of Texas who became the James Steinbeck of the 21st century, building his own platform touring the country on his motorcycle at

Blake ShubertVillanova football star who was disenchanted with Corporate America and made the choice to lead his own non profit,  Light of the Lord Global Missions. He was the initial inspiration behind Mission Kilimanjaro.

Annie Berger– Minnesota native who made the conscious choice to seek the adventure, traveling to South Africa to help those in need. Her experience laid the groundwork for her desire to become a physician assistant and travel to various destinations around the US to empower people to take accountability for their health.

Be Your Own Hero!

The Great Escape- 10 Tips To Empower Your Quest For Freedom

December 6th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I shall have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Over the past few months, I have embraced a tremendous amount of change in my life as I have forced myself to confront fears and insecurities deep within that have prevented the ability to pursue my own dreams. Through this gradual process, I made the decision to resign from my corporate job, sold all of my belongings outside of basic needs, and eliminated all activities that do not directly align with my purpose. I have taken this huge leap of faith because I believe that through a vision and the willingness to confront all adversities along the way, that we all possess the ability to bring any dream to reality (to discover our own hero). If I preach this to you, I feel that I must embody it myself and I have chosen to lead from the front.

“Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends.”

Purpose is a driving force in our lives and many of us decide to resist our calling due to a fear of failure which paralyzes our willingness to take that first step. What if we had NO FEAR to pursue our grandest dreams? Are you ready to start planning your escape to pursue the freedom and meaning you are seeking? Be Your Own Hero!

The Great Escape: 10 Tips To Empower Your Quest For Freedom

1. Discover Your Purpose Now (Stop Resisting)– I believe that every human being has a purpose deep within that is waiting to be discovered. This purpose evolves with time, however, it only reveals itself through confronting adversities and taking accountability for one’s life. Until you take the first step, your purpose will lie dormant, eating away at you until you learn to listen. There is a lot of truth in the saying, “In the time of our greatest tribulation presents an opportunity to witness our greatest strength.” This was true in my life and once I stopped resisting my own internal voice I began to connect the dots and see a bigger picture. I can tell you from my own experience that you begin to feel so alive that it is often difficult to decipher dreams from reality.

2. Technology= Freedom, Social Media= Opportunity– We live in an era of unlimited opportunity to become whoever we wish to be. By owning a Mac Book and an IPhone, you have the ability to bring any vision to reality with little or no capital. There has been no other time in human history that has presented as many opportunities as we have today to pursue what gives us life. Social Media allows you to contact anyone in the World, enabling your dreams to be as large as your imagination!

*With the purchase of a Mac Book, an individual has the ability to purchase a One to One Membership for $100. This year long program gives one unlimited IT Support, Continuing Education, a Portable Office (Personal Projects), and an opportunity to meet many other passionate individuals who are trying live their dreams. I think this has been the greatest investment I have made in my life and I strongly recommend it to all passionate young people.

3. Don’t let Society Dictate Your Life- If I told you that 95% of our society is sleep walking through life, would you still base all of your decisions on what others think? This is a huge stumbling block for many young people because they often let their parents, their friends, or the media dictate everything they do. Why do you listen to others? Do you not believe in yourself?

What do you truly love? What is your passion? Degrees don’t mean anything so don’t let the model for traditional education limit your pursuits. You can learn anything that you put your awareness on and by trusting yourself you can create anything that you wish. Don’t believe me? Try something today that you are passionate about that has been difficult for you in the past. Sit down and do not leave until you have conquered the limitation you have placed on yourself. Grasp the power of mindset!

4. If Your Working For Someone Else, Make Sure The Knowledge Obtained is Worth Your Time- You have a very short time on this Planet so it is important that you are pursuing what you are passionate about. If you decide to accept a job, there should be a specific purpose that the job will serve in achieving your highest vision. If you do not take control of your life, someone else will, limiting your opportunities and forcing you to be a cog in the wheel. We all possess leadership qualities and tremendous potential, take accountability for your work and ensure that you reach the right destination. You are the only one that can do it!

5. Eliminate Traditional Media From Your Life (TV, Newspapers, Magazines, etc)- Traditional media focuses on negativity, unconsciousness, and fear. Many people come home from their 9-5 jobs and flip on the television to ease the pain within. This limits their ability to confront their own divisions and they become unwilling to take full accountability for their lives. How can you confront your own limitations if you are always living in fear? Do you perceive the World based upon the perspective of your local News Station? Turn off the TV and start living your life rather than fantasizing about it or living it through someone else’s perspective…

6. Redefine Failure (There Is No Such Thing As Failure, Just Outcomes)– To experience any type of success in your life you must be willing to redefine failure. As your dreams grow larger so will the size of the obstacles along the way. Failure DOES NOT EXIST, there are only outcomes. Tweak your perception and you will tweak your outcome. If you live by this, no obstacle will stand in your way. Think to yourself, “My life seems very difficult right now which must mean that I am on the verge of something BIG!” IF YOU FEEL FEAR, YOU KNOW YOU ARE HEADED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

“Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.”

7. Develop a “Just Do It” Mentality– There is no way to learn in this world other than through direct experience. By consciously believing in your abilities you will find that you can learn anything you put your awareness on. Develop a “Just Do It’ mentality in everything you pursue and you will be greatly rewarded. People that are constantly running their mouth about things usually fail to experience any type of success because they don’t comprehend their own power. If I can learn anything I put my awareness on, why do I feel that I have to run my mouth rather than listen? I am missing out on a great opportunities to learn!

8. Bring Awareness to Your Spending (Are you building your own prison?) Most young people have no idea what they are spending money on and it limits their ability to leave a job they are not passionate about. Are you living for the weekend? Escape the 9-5 mentality by becoming accountable for your finances. What do you love? Is your money (energy) going into the things that truly matter to you? If you do not recognize this early, you will build your own prison of debt that will just make it that much harder to leave a job you hate. Add additional mouths that you are responsible for and you can see why so many people live in fear and continue to sit at their cubicle every day.

Things to Think About In Corporate America: How much are you spending on health insurance? Consider raising the deductible if you are young and healthy to decrease unnecessary costs. How are you saving? Are you only investing in your 401k? Start to look into other investment options besides your 401k to ensure that you have the necessary reserve to leave your job if necessary. 401k’s are not the end all be all, they bank on the fact that you will be in a lower tax bracket upon retirement. Will that be true for you? I can’t say it will be for myself, so I have diverted money elsewhere. Manage all expenditures in to bring a greater awareness to where your money is going! Think about EVERYTHING you are putting your money into. This is your FREEDOM!

9. Control the Internal, Dictate the External– Control your internal environment through meditation, exercise, yoga, and any activity that helps you release built up stress and you will find that you can bring any dream to reality. If you fail to do this, you will spin out of control during the pursuit and experience momentary setback that could have easily been avoided.

10. Stop Pursuing Illusions (What Brings You Joy?)- Stop playing roles based upon your own fear to discover who you truly are. You’re identity is not your job, the car you drive, the amount of money you have, or anything else outside of you. You can create all of these things if you wish so why do form an identity for yourself around things that do not have a fraction of the power that you possess? What brings you joy? Pursue it and enjoy the process of creating what you love.

Have helpful tips you wish to add to this list? Please feel free to leave comments below!

Discovering My Own Hero: Connecting The Dots

December 6th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

“History show us that people who end up changing the world- the great political, social, scientific, technological, artistic, even sports revolutionaries- are always nuts, until they are right, and then they are geniuses.” -John Eliot

The events below are a few “turning points” in my life that have helped me to glimpse my potential. None of these events single-handedly allowed me to understand what I was capable of, however, they each contributed to increasing my overall awareness. I want to start off by saying, that these events are not shared for the purpose of boasting about my life, but are shared to allow you to realize your own potential. We all define “success” differently and by fine tuning our vision to our highest truth, we can live out our grandest dreams. It does not matter what we accomplish or “do” in our lives, it matters that we understand that we are conscious creators. Would you believe me if I told you that you are responsible for your own reality?

Take a look at the events below and perform a similar exercise when connecting the dots in your own life. What have you succeeded at? What have you failed at? How have your perceptions created your realities? When you become aware of the power that we all share there is no limit to the things you can create in this world. The key to controlling such a magnificent gift is to be present in every moment and unattached to the outcomes (since it is not the events or accomplishments that truly matter). Are you ready to Become Your Own Hero?

To Read The Full Article Please Click Here: Discovering My Own Hero: Connecting The Dots

How Does Mission Kilimanjaro Relate To Your Life?

December 5th, 2011 by Dan Adams 07

“Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision.”- Ayn Rand

Over the past 9 months I have devoted the bulk of my time to bringing a vision to reality called Mission Kilimanjaro through a company I founded in 2010 called Athletic Capital. It has been exhausting at times, however, I have tried my best to share the lessons I have learned throughout the journey not for the purposes of self gratification, but to help those trying to find meaning in their lives. At Holy Cross, I was blessed to have built a strong foundation through a liberal arts education which gave me the confidence to trust in forging my own path. I have found through my life experiences that true education can only be obtained when you are willing to embark upon the adventure and confront all the fears and adversities associated with bringing a dream to reality. Will you use the gifts that HC has provided you in pursuing your own passions and igniting those around you to do the same? Imagine the impact!

This past Summer, I wrote about the power behind the leap of faith (Discovering Your Path- The Leap of Faith) and later discussed the importance of grasping Joseph Campbell’s teachings of the Hero’s Journey (Do You Feel A Void In Your Life? Meet Joseph Campbell). During the process of building this project and explaining it to others, I have noticed that some can apply the powerful idea behind this mission to their lives while others lose sight and focus on concepts of disability and altruism. I wanted to take some time to clearly explain why I took on this project and why it will directly relate to YOUR life. To do this effectively, I have reproduced three questions that I have been asked again and again in the past 9 months. Be Your Own Hero!

The “WHY” behind Mission Kilimanjaro

1. Why is Mission Kilimanjaro important?

Mission Kilimanjaro is important because it empowers people of all ages and abilities to confront perceived limitations and fears on the journey of becoming the people we wish to be. What if we were unafraid to fail? What if we were unafraid to take that first step towards pursuing a passion or bringing a vision to reality? Could you imagine the level of ingenuity and creativity that would result?

Mission Kilimanjaro is not about climbing mountains, it is about giving people the confidence to create their lives and confront the adversities along the way. The motto for our mission is “Reach Your Highest Potential” and in a time of economic and political uncertainty, it is our responsibility as leaders to step outside the box and lead in our perspective communities. We can no longer seek stability or depend on an outdated system; we must change it.

2. Why is the team going to Africa rather than focusing efforts on impacting children at home?

It doesn’t matter where our team goes, the message is universal and can be applied to any human being. Our initiative will have an impact on anyone who is willing to share the experience and apply the lessons to their own daily lives. Whether it is children or adults, abled bodied or disabled, African or American, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is understanding the power of mindset and applying it to every obstacle that stands in the way of our highest vision.

3. What was your degree in and how did you obtain the knowledge necessary to do what your doing? What grad program would you suggest for me to pursue “x”?

This is a common question that I often receive from young people and unfortunately it is a huge stumbling block that prevents them from taking the first step of the journey. I definitely have a lot to learn and will continue to make mistakes, however, I can assure you that”X” degree will not help you on your path if you do not first have a purpose. Just obtaining knowledge for the purpose of obtaining knowledge will prevent you from seeing a bigger picture, forcing one to feel entitled due to their education without having any real, intrinsic value.

In my personal experience, I have met countless individuals who have several “degrees” who have been unable to transition their knowledge because they are afraid of applying it and failing. They are unwilling to embark upon the journey because they are so caught up in “terms” and the “philosophies” of others that they do not trust their own intuition. Understand that Holy Cross provides you with a special opportunity to find your own truth and develop your own perceptions. Take advantage of this opportunity and don’t be afraid of making mistakes as you set out to pursue a goal you are passionate about.

Please understand that this does not mean that higher education is bad in every context, however, you must first cultivate the “why” in your life before seeking information. I can promise you that you will be much more motivated as It is so much more fun to combine learning and creating at the same time. Seek the adventure!

What are you really passionate about? How have your perceptions created your current reality for the good and bad?